Live audio rooms and tab on Facebook
Is Audio the way you want to communicate with your audience? Is this the way your audience wants to communicate with you? The social networks seem to think so. Facebook has been much slower than Twitter to jump on the audio trend. We’ve been waiting for Audio Rooms for some time. This week they rolled it out to more public figure pages and groups, but not many are seeing the option.
The most innovative feature seems to be a replay function, something we’re still waiting for in spaces.
Wherever your audience is on the web, you’ll soon be able to talk to them and with them using audio. Is this something you have in your strategy?
YouTube live auto-captions for all
We know accessibility is becoming hugely important with all our online content.
It’s surprising to me that YouTube was only allowing auto-captions on live streams for selected accounts with over 1,000 subscribers. Facebook does it automatically for all.
But now they are lifting that limit and making auto-captioning available for all. You will need to switch them on from the live studio for each broadcast. I don’t seem to have the option yet but fingers crossed we’ll all get it soon.
Instagram account status
If you break the Instagram rules too many times, you are in danger of getting your account suspended. But how do you know if you’ve done something wrong?
Instagram just added an account status tab under Settings/Account that will tell you if there have been any issues and give you the chance to appeal it.
The worry is that the reasons your content is being flagged could be very vague, just like when ads are rejected on Facebook.
Some People will count as 2 in Facebook Ads
If someone doesn’t have their Twitter and Instagram account connected in accounts manager, they will soon be treated as two different people in ad audiences.
According to Facebook, this is to honour people’s privacy preferences.
This comes at the same time as Facebook starts changing its potential audience sizes to a broader ‘potential audience’ statistic.
Update to Twitter carousel ads
Carousel ads on Facebook are great because you can link each image to a different page on your site. Which makes total sense for e-commerce.
On Twitter, there was just a single link, headline and description. Until now. Soon you’ll be able to include different headlines, descriptions and links for each image in your carousel.
Twitter space updates
There’s a new navigation tab on Twitter for some lucky people. The ‘Spaces’ tab shows you spaces you can join. This will be handy when there are more spaces than you can see at the top of the feed. You could also discover new spaces related to the topics that interest you. That could mean more people find and join your space.
It’s iOS only at the moment but not all iOS
More Twitter Blue features
Will you pay for extra features on Twitter? Twitter is working on adding some additional features to the ‘Twitter blue’ subscription.
They include
Seeing top articles shared by your network, this is incorporating Nuzzle whose parent company they bought earlier this year. Unrolling Twitter threads so they’re easier to read. Bookmark folders. Article reader – no distraction reader mode. Undo tweet. Longer video upload. And some cosmetic stuff
Is it enough. For me, Ad-free is the thing that would make blue interesting and we’re not seeing that option yet.