Learn how measuring your marketing can save you time and money, attract more customers, make smarter decisions, and grow your business without the overwhelm.
That Analytics Show is the podcast for small business owners and marketers who want to make better use of their data. Join Amanda Webb as she talks to experts about practical ways to improve your website, marketing, and online sales.
From LinkedIn strategies to making sense of Google Analytics 4, each episode is packed with tips that are easy to understand and simple to use.
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I’m Amanda and Analytics is my jam

I’ve been doing this digital marketing thing since 2010. For a lot of those years, I was spinning all the marketing plates.
I was blogging, YouTubing, podcasting, live streaming. I was on all the socials. I thought that doing all the things, working hard, and working all the hours would get me results.
But I was wrong.
I did get lots of website visitors and in return for all that traffic I got…
😒 Very little sleep
😒 Very few days off
And worse
😫 Very few clients
It wasn’t until I got serious about Analytics that my world changed.
By understanding how people were actually using my website I was able to change direction, make my offers more compelling and focus on the marketing that actually got me customers.
And that’s what I do for businesses now.