I’d like to preface this weeks cool tool by saying I haven’t been able to get it to work yet. Pingraphy looks like a great solution to stop you flooding the Pinterest feed with your pins. I originally found it on Whcingya’s blog so I’m sure the issues I’m having are just a technical glitch. […]
Quick Photo Editing and Filters on Your Computer with PicMonkey
I’m a massive Instagram fan, I probably over use it too… there’s hardly a photograph I take that doesn’t get the Instagram treatment. I love the whole process, creating the photo, applying the filters and sharing. I’m frustrated however that I can’t easily Instagram photos on my computer and that’s where this weeks cool tool […]
Content Curation – The What, Why & How
We usually associate the term ‘curation’ with museums and galleries. The curator is the person who researches, sources, archives and interprets content for exhibitions. Digital content curation is similar. As social media account holders we curate content all the time, every time we share a link on Twitter or Facebook we are in a sense […]
The Problem With Engagement
Engaging with customers You often hear us social media types banging on about engagement. Engagement has been one of those buzz words this year but what does engagement really mean? Surely it just means chatting to people, having conversations with people? One of the things I’ve always loved about social media is the way it […]
Keep Your Social Media On Schedule – E.ggtimer Helps -Cool Tool
No matter which business I talk to time management always seems to be an issue, with so much to do small business owners can struggle to find time to fit everything in and this can be a barrier to being successful with social media. Recently I discovered I was spending more time on social media than I […]
Use Mingly To Keep Your Business Relationships Alive
As you make more and more connections online and offline it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them, to even remember who they are, where you met them or what they do. This weeks cool tool Mingly helps you stay in touch and build stronger relationships with your contacts. Here’s how to get started: Visit the Mingly […]