This week on the Digital Coffee
Question: Have you ever shopped on Pinterest?
🤔Facebook rebrands as FACEBOOK
📊Facebook ads metrics being removed and changed
🎨Instagram story guide from Instagram
Facebook Messenger IceBreakers
- Will we be able to customise more?
- Use in conjunction with automated replies
Remove stories from Facebook and Insta at the same time
- Thankfully
- Great if you connect the two and make a mistake
New Pinterest mobile layout
- Profile demotes follower count
- Pins make it easier to visit site also demotes follow
- Quickly switch to algorithm free feed
TikTok allows 3 party integration
- Some apps will offer ‘Share to TikTok’
- Allows more creative tools faster
- Will this ruin the simplicity of TikTok?
Facebook ads metrics being removed
- 10 second view is gone (Thru view is the new thing – 15 second video view or complete view if video is under 15 seconds)
- Changing the word ‘views’ with ‘plays’ for other stats.
- Please note that these are merely naming updates. There will be no change to how these metrics are calculated.
Facebook rebrand
- It’s all in caps
- It’s not blue
- Why do companies rebrand? Bad reputation? New ownership?
- Hmm
Follow topics on Twitter is here
- Twitter will personalise our feeds depending on the topics we select
- Topics we follow will appear in our feed (like hashtags on Instagram)
- Make Twitter more interesting
Instagram story guide from Instagram
- Tips on getting creative:
- How to create a story
- What to create stories about
- Advanced tips