When you communicate with your customers are you making a big mistake? It’s a mistake I’ve made time and time again and I’m sure you have too.
Luckily someone enlightened me and I’ve put a stop to the habit.
Watch below to find out what that bad customer communication habit was:
The mistake I’ve made is to start my emails, my social media posts with:
“We are delighted to announce”
If you haven’t actually sent an email like this I’m sure you’ve received one.
What’s so wrong with this phrase?
Let’s look at it, what does it tell us?
It tells us that the person sending the email is excited. Do we care? Perhaps if it’s someone we have a real personal connection to but in most cases no we don’t.
The ideal way to open your communications, even when you are delighted or excited is to let them know what is in it for them.
Forget about your own emotion and think about what the benefit of your announcement is for your customer. Are you launching something that is going to help them solve a problem? Will you make their lives better in some way? Will they learn from the information you have to share?
So rip up that first draft of your email and start again. Stand in the shoes of your customer and look at your new innovation, service from their point of view. How can you make them excited about it? How can you make them think that it was worthwhile opening the email?
Now you know the secret you will see ‘We are delighted to announce’ everywhere. In emails you receive, in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts. And now you can smile, comfortable in the knowledge that this is a habit you’ve kicked.
Get a headstart on Google Analytics 4 & understand the lingo with the GA4 phrase book