This weeks roundup has B2B and Google+ tips, the best article I’ve read on content curation and some amazing black and white Vine videos.
7 Ways Your Sales Team Can Get Results with B2B Social Media
Many people believe that social media doesn’t work for B2B (business to business). Of course this isn’t the case. There are lots of ways you can reach customers online using social media and it’s not only Linkedin that will benefit you.
This is a great read from the Social media B2B blog that shows you how your sales team can use social media to reach potential clients.
How to Encourage Google+ Fans to Share Your Content
Google+ seems to be really blooming in 2014. I know I’ve been using it a lot more and I’m also seeing a lot more of my business friends joining and participating.
This post has been getting a lot of attention this week and when you read it you won’t be surprised. It takes you step by step through a method that will make your Google+ experience better and should result in you getting more shares.
Coca-Cola Promotes Friendly Competition Among Fans With #CokeGames Contest
I love this Winter Olympics campaign from Coca-Cola. It’s a really clever video competition. You may remember that I have been cynical about video contests in the past as the barrier to entry is pretty high. What Coca-Cola have done here has been quite clever, rather than asking people just to make a video they have issued a challenge. One asked users to ski jump ice cubes into their drinks another asked them to slide a coke along a surface curling style.
Convince & Convert blog outlines the campaign and shares some tips on how you could run a similar promotion.
8 Simple Tips to Edit Your Own Blog
The more I blog the more picky I get about my writing. My editing process used to consist of a quick read over my text, now I spend a lot longer editing out repetitive and meaningless phrases as well as changing sentence structure to make sure it reads well. I’m still not catching everything but I am getting better.
This week Sandra Miller shared blog editing tips, some I already use others are well worth trying out. I’m still struggling with the idea of reading my posts backwards though.
15 All-Natural Grayscale Vine Videos
Another video challenge, this time the only prize is seeing your work on the Mashable blog. The challenge was to create a greyscale, that’s black and white to you and me, 6 second video. Of course you can’t filter your Vine videos to make them black or white so it was necessary for readers to film stuff that was naturally stripped of colour. Some of these are absolutely amazing. It’s inspired me to try and create an animated Vine video. I’ve embedded my favourite below.
Content Curation Primer
I had planned to write an in-depth article on content curation this week as part of my time saving series. Whilst researching it I found this brilliant post on ‘Beth’s Blog’ and decided I couldn’t top it. It takes you through the whole process from what content curation is and how it benefits your business to how to do it.
As you will see below I still wrote about content curation but I took a slightly different angle.
Should you pay for a LinkedIn Premium Account ?
I am asked this question all the time. Linkedin seem to have been getting far more proactive selling premium accounts, I’m sure I’m not alone in frequently getting emails offering me a free trial. Is a premium Linkedin account really worth it?
Here’s what you get for your money and the benefits.
And from Spiderworking.com this week:
Auto-Share Your Blog To Twitter With Dlvr.it
If you sometimes forget to share your social media content this weeks cool tool will do it for you. Dlvr.it takes your RSS feed and sends it to your chosen social networks. I use it for the We Teach Social Twitter account to deliver content from our blog there, Lorna’s blog and this site. Read more here…
How To Curate Content With Feedly And Google Alerts
Keeping an eye on mentions of your brand online and finding useful content to curate is made easier with Google Alerts. I have grown to rely on them over the years. Last year when Google closed Reader they also temporarily got rid of Google Alerts feeds. The good news is they are back and you can pair them with Feedly to keep tabs on the latest finds.
This weeks videocast shows you how to bring Google Alerts to Feedly and also explains why you might want to do it.
10 Tips For Effective Content Curation
You are probably a content curator, you may not know it but every time you share a link on Twitter or Facebook you are curating. An effective content curation strategy can help you establish your expertise. Here’s my tips for getting the most from your content curation.
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