Upvote & Downvote Facebook Group Comments
If you run a Facebook group, unhelpful comments displaying on posts could damage it’s reputation.
No one wants to join a group that looks like a big fight, or maybe they will, just to watch the arguments.
This week Facebook is testing upvotes and downvotes for comments in Facebook groups. This means anyone will be able to up or downvote a comment.
Each time you do, the comment gets a point (or loses one) and the comment will appear lower in the stream.
I guess this is supposed to surface the more relevant and helpful comments but I can see it being used to take ‘sides’ in an argument. We’ll see…
New Way To Reply To Instagram Stories
One of the beauties of Instagram Stories is that when you reply to them, it’s a private message.
The rise of private messaging makes it such a great way to connect with your audience, and others.
But this week Instagram is testing a way to reply to comments publicly. At the moment it looks like it will just be reactions not comments.
Will this result in less conversations? Or is it a good thing that you won’t get as many random messages?
At the moment it’s not clear what this will look like to the recipient and if it will be public.
Snapchat Will Show Subscriber Counts
There’s been a trend by social media channels in recent years to take the focus away from follower numbers.
This is a trend that Snapchat is going to buck. Users with creator accounts will now have the option to switch on public subscriber numbers.
At least they are giving creators the option, they won’t have to show their count if they are worried about being judged for their smaller numbers.
Why would Snapchat do this? Maybe a bit of competition amongst influencers will bring more users into Snapchat.
Facebook Employees Survey
Have you got employees? Have you ever asked them how they feel about your company? Their responses could be crucial.
It turns out that Facebook employees don’t feel wonderful about Facebook.
They conduct a ‘Pulse survey’ twice a year asking it’s employees key questions.
In May the company found that the number of employees feeling that Facebook was having a positive impact on the world had increased.
Possibly due to their quick response to the pandemic.
The most recent survey shows that this good sentiment has dropped to 51%. That’s 23% down on May and 5.5% down on the same period in 2019.
So it’s not just marketers who are feeling bad about Facebook right now, it’s employees too.
Even with this negativity, 69% of employees found Facebook a favourable place to work.
Collaboration Sticker For Instagram
Collaborations are a great way to grow your audience. They give you the chance to reach new people. It works well for both you and the person you collaborate with.
Or you can collaborate with brands. This is usually more transactional. They’ll pay or give you freebies and you make content that will include them.
It’s not clear exactly what the ‘Collab’ sticker that Instagram is testing will do, but it could be a fun way to create content with people that your audience will be interested in (and the other way around).
I’m looking forward to seeing this in action.
Turn Your Website Into A Video With Google
Creating videos for your marketing is hassle. And it’s even more hassle to ensure it stays on brand and consistent with your website.
Google is working on a tool that will turn your website into a video. It will scan your site, find assets including text and images and create an animated video from it.
This is such an easy way to create an on-brand video for your business with very little effort from you.
I imagine Google’s goal with this is to help people create video ads for use on YouTube and other Google assets.
WhatsApp Tests Rooms
There are times when it could be useful to video chat with your customers.
If you are service-based maybe you want to have a team meeting. Or maybe you want to run a focus group.
WhatsApp Business is working hard at offering new features and it’s testing the option to start and run a ‘Room’.
The downside, is that when you set up a room it diverts you to Messenger and the conversation happens there.
I’m sure they’ll fix this. The big question is, do we need this? We can already hold group video chats on WhatsApp, what will be the benefits of Rooms?