As a blogger you should always be keen to get your blog out to a wider audience and this means getting your posts shared.
There are a few things you can do to increase shares:
- Share it yourself on all relevant social networks
- Add sharing buttons to your website so it makes it easy for other people to share
- Join bloggers groups on Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin
- Engage with others on Twitter and share content from people with a similar audience.
- Comment on other blogs within your business area
If you are doing all these things already you might want to take a look at this weeks cool tool ‘Viral Content Bee‘ to push your blog out even further.
Viral content bee has two advantages:
- You will find some interesting content that you might otherwise miss that you can share with your social media followers
- You will be able to get your content shared further
What is Viral Content Bee?
Viral content bee is a sharing network that relies on social currency. Every time you share an article from the site you earn points. You can use these points to get others to share your content.
Here’s a quick tutorial to show you how it works:
Is there a downside?
I had stayed away from tools like this in the past as I wasn’t sure of the value of those shares. If you put a few simple rules in place you will get the most out of this tool:
- Read the articles you are sharing on social media
- Share content on the most relevant networks. You can share on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Stumbleupon. Make sure you are sharing content that is relevant to your followers on these networks. If you don’t you risk loosing your own following.
- Thank people who share your content. Go out of your way to thank the people who are sharing your posts from Viral Content Bee. Try to make a personal connection with them and you will buildnew relationships with content creators.
Your Turn:
Would you use a tool like Viral Content Bee to increase the reach of your content? What might stop you? Have you seen benefits from using it in the past? I’d like to hear your thoughts?