I believe Twitter search is it’s killer feature. It’s what makes Twitter one of the best social networks for finding customers.
Get your search terms right and you will find people looking for what you do. In this weeks video-cast I show you how you how to use Twitter search and how to use Topsy to search for influencers on Twitter.
You will notice in the video that as well as using twitter advanced search I was inputing ‘operators’ or search parameters directly in to the search box. This is a good way to bypass Twitter advance search. Instead of having to go back to the form every time you want to add a parameter you can type them straight into the search box.
This is particularly handy if you want to find tweets near a specific location. Twitter have recently taken the ability to name a town and see tweets from that town out of Twitter search.
Here’s what you need to input to theTwitter search box if you want to find tweets sent within 15 miles of my hometown of Athy for example:
near:athy within:15mi
Here’s a full list of operators taken from the Twitter site.
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