Facebook tagging is the new inbound linking! OK maybe I’m exaggerating a bit but being tagged by a page or person on Facebook works in a similar way. If you have no idea what I’m talking about read on.
In September Facebook started allowing tagging across both business and personal profiles. If your page is tagged in a Facebook post it arrives on your page much as a tagged photo would arrive on your profile page.
You can tag other pages when you are posting too, simply use the @ symbol and start typing the name of the page you want to tag. Facebook will offer you suggestions as you type.
So what’s the point? Well as I mentioned in my opening sentence it’s similar to getting inbound links, the tag is a link to your page that can be crawled by the search engines (as long as the pages are public). The other advantage, probably the strongest one is that by tagging your page people are telling their community about you, it will drive traffic to your page and encourage more ‘Likes’ and more interaction. Social media is all about sharing and tagging is just one more way that people can share your page with others. Finally it solves the problem that many business owners have, tagging allows you to comment on a business page in a business capacity. By using tagging in a status update on your Facebook page you (you’re business) is essentially posting your comment to their wall (wall filters permitting).
So try tagging someone or something today and let us know how you get on.