How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now? Although since I started using Pocket over a year ago I’ve minimised the tabs I have open I still tend to end up with 6-10 when researching and writing a blog post.
This weeks cool tool is a real time saver, it saves all your currently open tabs to a visual interface where you can access them easily. It’s like Pinterest but without the need to double click and easier to curate, just one click of a button and you can create a board from your open tabs.
The only downside is that you will need to use the ‘Chrome’ browser in order to use it to save all open tabs.
Here’s how it works
Visit the Collectably website and sign up for an account
Click on ‘tools’ on the top right hand side of the page
Click ‘Install’ to add the extension to Chrome (you have to use the Chrome browser for this to work)
Once it has been installed you will see an orange ‘C’ appear to the top right of your browser window. When you click the ‘C” it opens a new window
Check the box ‘show all open tabs’
You can uncheck any tabs that aren’t relevant to the board.
Finally you need to name the board by clicking ‘select board’ in the dropdown above the displayed tabs and click ‘Add’
Now when you log in to Collectably your board will appear on the left hand side. Click on it and you are able to see and access all your saved tabs.
Boards you create are secret by default, only you can see them. You can collaborate with others by adding ‘members’ to your board. Just click ‘members’ on the right hand side of the screen and add the name or email address of another Collectably user.
You can also choose your board to be public, this will allow you to share it as a link, it will be viewable to anyone on the internet. To do this access the ‘board settings’ menu and choose ‘Public’.
This is a great time saving tool. It means I can always easily access and add to the research material I am pursuing on various topics without having to search through tags on Delicious or try to remember where I saw a link on a specific topic. It’s also a great place to curate useful content I might want to share with others. For example I can share all my own blog posts on Facebook advertising just using one link.
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