This week on the Digital Coffee
Question: Do you use filters on Instagram?
🤯Facebook change their mind about WhatsApp ads
🔼Uploading to IGTV just got easier
🤳Are Insta filters over?
TikTok Self Serve Ads Are Here
- Apply for access
- Limited categories for your business to fit into (I want with training)
- Having influencers or recognizable faces featured in ads or making ads that feature a hashtag challenge helps drive engagement.
- Any type of ad featuring content that seems native to TikTok performs better, he found.
- TikTok working on creator marketplace so you can partner with influencers
- It’s early days, not as robust as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn ads
Uploading to IGTV just got easier
- Upload like a regular video
- Gives you option to add to IGTV
- Will this make more people use it?
- Also removing IGTV button as people rarely use it – Now find in feed, explore, profiles or the IGTV app
- Is there a future for IGTV?
The story behind the removal of Instagram likes
- Adam Mosseri head of Insta – used to be in charge of Facebook Newsfeed
- Removal of likes named ‘Project Daisy’
- “Concerned about the unanticipated consequences of Instagram as approval arbiter.”
- Black Mirror (see Netflix) effected him
- “A post’s achievement of “thousands of likes” or “tens of thousands of likes” might still be public.”
Facebook decide not to do WhatsApp ads afterall
- 2 weeks ago we talked about the introduction of WhatsApp ads
- Reports on Monday starting with the Wall Street Journal say that the WhatsApp team is dispanded
- Will probably try again…
Twitter wants your input into the Explore feed
- Tweet from the product designer Martin Craster
Lots of helpful comments from what people love and hate in the Explore tan - Makes you feel like Twitter cares
- Social media is a great place for getting ideas and feedback
- How can you foster this?
- Ask for ideas for content
- Ask for help
- What else?
Filters are so over
- Report suggests filters will decrease likes
- “Perceived by other users as an ingenuine behavior because it reflects the intent to only present the ideal depiction of self.
- Definite trend away from filters and enhanced images
- Are you ready to go filterless?
Superpower – Canned Emails
- Stolen from Ann Handley’s newsletter
- Quick short email responses for all occasions
- Great for saving time and avoiding procrastination
- “Schedule phone call” – “Subject: Call this week?
Let’s get on a short call to talk about [ INSERT WHAT YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT ]
What’s your availability like this week?
Thanks. I’m looking forward to our discussion!