This week on the Digital Coffee
➿Boomerang gets an upgrade
👁️Facebooks Lookalike audiences are changing
📩Instagram DMs on the web
New Boomerang Effects For Insta Stories
- Slo Mo
- Echo
- Duo
- Create your Boomerang and then edit
- Trim
- Choose effect
- Add filters to boomerang (is that new?)
- Not included in the stand alone app yet
Instagram testing DMs on Desktop
- On the Instagram Desktop web
- Paper aeroplane symbol in tool bar
- Useful for marketers
- Definitely no longer a mobile only app
- Do you have it yet?
- When you reach people on desktop are you reaching them when they are more likely to take action? Not on the move?
Top Downloaded apps of Q4 2019 are all about Facebook
- Report by Sensor Tower
- WhatsApp wins, then TikTok, then Messenger, Facebook & Instagram
- Still crucial places to market in 2020
- TikTok is massive
- Twitter features for iPhone uses but not for Android
Instagram is hiding heavily photoshopped images
- As ‘false information’
- Spotted by photographer that digital art image was hidden
- Can be a result as reports from users
- But also ‘technology’ and human fact checkers
- Flagged as ‘fake’ so you have to click to see and removed from hashtag searches
LinkedIn officially announces new Pages features
- For business pages
- Live streaming (you still have to apply)
- Invite connections
- Toggle between personal and business profile
TikTok to add curated feed
- Safe space where disturbing content doesn’t live
- In the hope that advertisers will embrace it
- Hmmm
Facebook lookalike audience changes
- No longer country specific
- Older lookalike audiences you are currently using will be replaced
- No longer see estimated audience size
- Read Charlie’s article on SM Examiner for more tips including
- Create audience of people who purchased twice
Superpower – Yay Text
- Text styling for social
- Bold, strikethrough, italics, bubble text