This week on the Digital Coffee
Question: When did you last look at a Twitter list?
💬New Instagram stickers for chatting
🎉Facebook custom audience sizing for ads is back
🛎️LinkedIn company pages get CTA buttons
Invite connections to follow your LinkedIn page
- Good or bad?
- Just like Facebook
Instagram chat stickers
- Build a chat around a topic
- Like a Twitter chat but private
Facebook custom audience sizing is back
- Yay
- Stops us needing to guess and stab in the dark
- Only for audiences over 1000 people
Facebook algorithm update
- Targeting posts that exaggerate or misleads about health for example make sensational claims about miracle cures
- Products or services based on a health related claim (diet pills)
- Already tricky in ads, good to see the newsfeed catching up
- We will see more like this from Facebook in the future as part of their ‘Fake news’ challenge
Twitter giving more info on accounts you search for
- Recent tweets
- How they connect to your network
- Encouraging better follow decisions
Twitter signposting public interest tweets
- Stuff that violates their policies but is important for public interest
- Particularly (I’m guessing) the US election
- We need to see what our politicians say… mostly
Instagram adding ad unit to explore
- When you click into a result ads will appear in feed
- 50% of accounts us explore every month
- Actually that’s interesting, we’ll only reach 50% of accounts with hashtags…
Twitter considering swipe to lists
- One way to get us using them properly
- I’d definitely use lists more if I had this
- Swiping is all a bit snapchat… but it’s younger users they’re attracting
New CTA buttons for LinkedIn company pages
- With stats
- Choose from: Contact us, Learn more, Register, Sign up, Visit website
- LinkedIn needs more active pages to sell more ads