LinkedIn Reactions
- Just like Facebook
- I am happy
Twitter testing swipe to like
- Like Tinder
- I think I’d prefer some consistency across channels like double tap to like
- And I’d just love reactions
Facebook video guidelines
- 3 mins long
- HD
- Tags
- Description
Thanks Linda Denny
Twitter testing conversation tools
- Author and Mention tags on threads
- Helpful to understand conversations better
- Does this mean Twitter is actually focussing on conversations?
Instagram demotes some edgy content
- “We have begun reducing the spread of posts that are inappropriate but do not go against Instagram’s Community Guidelines”
- Will still be seen in feed but you will need to scroll further to see it
- sexually suggestive, but doesn’t depict a sex act or nudity
- considered in bad taste, lewd, violent, or hurtful
You can only follow 400 people a day on Twitter now
- Used to be 1000
- That’s still a lot of work
- Cut down on bot follows and spammers
New privacy settings for WhatsApp Groups
- Avoid getting added to groups you don’t want to
- Choose who can invite you
- Going to be more important as businesses adopt
- Doesn’t look like you can ban specific people yet though
LinkedIn allows you to upload presentations and documents
- To the feed
- Share slides from a conference, eBooks, undated brand building content
- Create stuff that doesn’t need an explanation
- Create just for this format on LinkedIN
- Takes up a chunk of space on the page
- Desktop only
Facebook testing double tap reacting and commenting
- Making it more relevant for Instagram people
- A sign of further merging of platforms
- Quicker to leave your feedback feedback
- Do Facebook want to own this gesture?
- Can we expect more engagement?