I’m very late with my social media roundup this week but I’d found so much good stuff that I found it really hard to choose just seven links to share. After sleeping on it over the weekend I finally narrowed it down. Enjoy the read.
The Top Reasons To Hash-Tag & Photo Map On Instagram
Instagram has to be one of my favourite social networks. I’ve yet to use it for marketing purposes but there is something lovely about logging in and scrolling through interesting, quirky and bizarre photos. Like all social networks the more you participate the more you get out of it. When I’m feeling energetic I add tags to my photos but there is more to tagging than adding #catsofinstagram to the latest picture of your favorite kitty. This post shows you how to make the most out of tagging and mapping your images on Instagram.
8 Big Campaign Mistakes To Stop Making Now
I don’t think a week has gone by where I haven’t linked to a post from HubSpot and this week is no exception. This post on marketing mistakes works well as a checklist for a campaign. Is your campaign integrated? Have you set timelines and goals. This is one I’ll be bookmarking for future projects.
How To Find Keywords That Work For Your Content Marketing Goals
Keywords is probably the area that I’m weakest at in my blogging, I tend to just sit down and write. Since I’ve installed the Yoast plugin I’ve found that I am forced to think about them a lot more so I was happy to stumble upon this post from Copy Blogger. It re-introduced me to the Google Trends tool which is far more satisfying than the Google Keywords Tool that I’m used to using. A great read and some sensible tips to put into action.
The Story Behind Dollar Shave Club
Dollar Shave Club is always going to be famous for the wonderful video that made us laugh. If you haven’t seen it yet I’ve embedded it below. But it’s not just a great internet video, it worked, is sold razors and helped the company get investor funding.
Here’s a short interview with Michael Dublin, the face of Dollar Shave Club about the challenges he’s faced in business and what happened when they launched the video.
Newsjacking Creates Brand Interest And Value
Newsjacking is one of those words that I’m beginning to hear everywhere. Essentially it means creating content around a topical news story in order to gain traction for your business or blog. When done right it can be highly effective and this post from Social Media Today takes you through the basic steps to be use it succesfully.
Understanding Unicorn – A Geeks Guide to Facebook Graph Search
For those of you like me who enjoy delving deeper into Facebook updates this article from Cnet is fascinating. I’m still waiting for Graph Search and learning about ‘Unicorn’ the infrustucture behind it makes me want it even more. It really does feel like a far more intellegent way to find recommendations. I’m sure I’ll be boring you all to death with posts about it when I finally do get it.
General Electric Pours A Refreshing Glass Of Science On Vine
I’m still completely obsessed with Vine, the social video app is just one month old and it’s already created a huge buzz. This example from General Electric is one of my favourites so far. Convince & Convert blog also shares some good tips for anyone planning on using Vine for marketing.
And From Spiderworking.com This Week
Get Inspiration For Your Online Videos
If Dollar Shave Club above has inspired you to make some videos of your own this weeks cool tool can help inspire you even further. Choose what type of video you want to make, what sort of triggers you want, and what category it should fit in to and TubeRank will find videos that match your requirements. It’s a bit addictive but it will help you get into the right mindset to make succesful online videos.
How To Get Rid Of A Twitter Virus
There seems to be a whole rash of Twitter viruses around at the moment. You’ll know when a friend has caught one as they’ll send you a DM saying something like ‘OMG I can’t believe this is you…’ accompanied by a link. If you click that link your account will start sending out the DM’s and so it continues. If you have clicked a link or if someone tells you you are sending out spam DM’s here’s what to do.
5 Reasons To Go To #SMWF 2013
It’s going to be my third year in a row attending Social Media World Forum Europe this year and I’m really looking forward to it. There are some great speakers and great networking opportunities. Here’s my 5 top reasons for attending. If you are going too give me a shout I’d love to meet up for coffee.
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